
Flying thoughts on Advertising, Education, Futuristics, Philosophy, Spirituality, Creativity, Relationships, Technology, India, Politics, Cricket, Music, Gazals, Business, Science, Communication ...& all that the 7th sense can sense.

Monday, May 24, 2004

This time something on human existence. As I grew up, I was told, Almighty has laid down 4 four objects of human existence.
1. Dharma-Religion
2. Arth-Luxuries
3. Kama-Carnal Pleasures
4. Moksha-Salvation

Through our lives, we realise that for perfect happiness, these four has to be balanced. We actually, intentionally or otherwise, do strive for this. Let’s see;
Religion, in Swami Vivekananda’s words, ‘is a way of life.’ With certain set of rules, liberties, responsibilities and goals. Remember, its just the journey and not the destination. Journey is more important than the destination, said the Father of the Nation. ‘Means means more than the end itself.’
What we in our life in the Kaliyuga do is a updated version of religion. It’s not about doing any of the above. All of them are complimentary. As a smart, evolved human being we have found our ‘way of life’. We worship, pray, donate, do social work, regret our sins…& with each passing day we are finding newer ways around it. All the unethical things we do in our professional lives we try to set them off against a new found sutra called Practicality. Everything passes under this bridge. The trickle down effect of this is that we get untrue to ourselves, near ones and the ones we claim are of our be continued

Saturday, May 22, 2004

Here are some of the musings...ohhh...chalo let me say...these are a few thoughts that caught my attention in last few weeks of reading. So here's a part of it...!

* Believe everything, trust nothing.
* Four evils, Ego, Envy, Greed & Ambition.
* Important ‘E’s of life: Ethics, Excellence, Efficiency, Equity, Environment & Education (Life-Long Learning).
* Compassion is the cardinal sin of modern life. It traps us in a game that we cant win. Ones we define ourselves in terms of others we lose the freedom to shape our lives.
* Data-Information-Knowledge- Wisdom- Enlightenment- Salvation
* People can’t be taught, they learn. People can’t be changed, they change when they are ready to change.
* Excellence, Contribution & Meaning are the principles of teamwork.
* Life is a toilet paper. The closer it gets to end, the faster it ends.
* Trying to teach management to someone who has never managed is like trying to teach psychology to someone who has never met another human being. The dangerous people is this hyped-up society are, those whose confidence exceeds their competence. These are the people who drive everyone crazy. MBA programs not only attract significant number of such people, but encourage their tendencies. Management is a difficult, uncertain business. What people learn as they manage is how little they know.
* Peak of success is precisely the time to change.
*Unfortunately no system in life allows you to sample it fully before committing to it.

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

Allow me to say, Well Done Sonia! What else can you expect from an Italian women who as a teenager (more than 3 decades back) had the conviction to marry an Indian, while being in constant public eye. With all those hard times adjusting herself to India & People. Swimming against the tide! Thats what you can call. Now she has showed that courage again, with much more maturity.
On the other hand, i think the BJP (& likeminded) are not loosing as it seems. Atleast now they can thumpingly claim that they had raised a valid point, now endorsed by 'Madam Soniaji'.
During all that Media festival of polls & post polls show, i came across this discussion between a cong man and a BJPian. "It was Atalji Vs ? or --" . Congman replied, " the results are for everyone to see, Indians voted for a ? or -- than voting for Atalji. They voted for anybody but Atalji...!!!"Now isnt that being poll-itically correct.