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Saturday, November 04, 2006

Importance of the WORD.

Bible begins with “In the beginning there was the word…!” What’s so special about it? I mean word as something that’s spoken & heard. Truly speaking the word is the only activity that remains even after we are gone. It is the only thing that can never be destroyed. After it is spoken, it travels to the listener’s ear and into the space, into the infinity. Thus, the effects of the vibrations of the word spoken affect us. The energy that the word creates & consists, affects us positively or negatively. Beauty of this is that we can also create a lot of effect, a lot of difference to the outside world by harnessing the infinite power of the word. That’s why we, in India have this very sacred oral tradition of education. Everything is transferred from a generation to the other orally. Through, mantra’s, chants or poetry the knowledge and the wisdom of the ancestors of the human race have been passed-on religiously to this modern era too.

“A picture is worth a thousand words”. I object. How much space, time & energy would you need to depict India by a picture vis-à-vis a word. INDIA. So let me suggest that as thinking humans we must use the power of the word judiciously so as to make the most out of it.

The way we speak, sing, get angry, plead, abuse i.e. each time we use words, we must at least be conscious of the power we have on our hands. Because of all this language becomes even more important. The modern day language teachers emphasize more on the style rather than the depth of the words used. In the past the significance of the word was encapsulated in the very meaningful & in depth meanings of their literature. Richly cultured civilizations (India, Greece, China) around in the world have literature as there flag bearer. It is their stamp of authority & superiority.

Spiritually, language is the fastest means of self realization. Enlightenment. So as a responsible generation of human race, its high time we should work towards revitalizing the purity and the reach of our languages. The languages that are spoken on the earth.

To me these thoughts seem to be mid thought of many other things that I feel strongly about language and the word.


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